Erics Favorite Things Glad Forceflex Trash Bags

12 Aug 2010

As a child one of my assigned household chores was taking out the trash, from the house to the backyard, and from the backyard to the curb.  My poor memory and disposition towards procrastination lead to more than a few barefoot, early morning, winter sprints to haul the all three full cans to the street before the garbage trucks left the block and my mom blew her lid.  Overall though it was a decent chore to get stuck with and earned me the $5 a week allowance that kept me living the high life.

There is a dark side to domestic waste removal though, one that I know all too well.  Let me set the scene.  You’re in the kitchen and you go to throw away your blue raspberry ice pop wrapper before resuming your race in ESPN Extreme Games on the PS1.  You place it on top of the overflowing pile and then attempt to cram the surface down far enough to avoid having to empty the can.  When this fails you struggle for a moment to find an excuse for why you can’t take out the trash at that moment, but eventually succumb to the inevitability and roll up your sleeves.  You grab the flimsy, store brand plastic bag by the thin rim that still remains visible and start raising the bag from the depths.  After what seems like an eternity of slow motion free fall for the can, you finally free the bag and proceed to move it aside.  It is at this very moment that the bottom of the bag, struggling with the weight of leftovers and art projects, bursts open and spills the contents all over the kitchen floor, which of course your mother just washed.

When you put something in the trash can you expect to never see it, touch it, or smell it ever again.  A broken garbage bag however ruins this beautiful illusion and you are forced to confront, one by one, everything that you deemed too worthless or disgusting to deserve further existence.  It’s a horrible experience and I strive to never go through it again.

That is why I swear by Glad ForceFlex trash bags.  They are made of this super strong mesh that is incredibly resistant to breakage and even does a decent job of resisting punctures from sharp edges.  Although I’ve had some close calls with tears near the top, knock on wood I’ve never had the bottom break out with these bags yet.  Every time I successfully remove a heavy bag of garbage I am thankful for this modern garbage bag technology.

This blog post is not sponsored by Glad in any way, but is instead the first of a series where I share some of my favorite everyday items that make my life better in small but measurable ways.